
WADA suggests International Olympic Committee place ban on Russian athletes in Rio

The executive board of the World Anti-Doping Agency said Monday that the International Olympic Committee should bar all Russian teams from competing in the upcoming August Olympics Games in Rio de Janeiro. On Monday, July 18, 2016 WADA investigator Richard McLaren confirmed claims of state-run doping in Russian Federation.


“Fifa will request from WADA all details concerning the individual cases of doping in Russian football that are referenced in the McClaren report”, Fifa said in a statement.

The president of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach has pledged to enforce the “toughest sanctions available”.

The review found the cover-up started in 2010 after Russia’s “abysmal” results at the Vancouver Winter Olympics.

Monday issued a damning report on state-controlled doping in Russian Federation which benefited athletes at summer and winter Olympics over at least a four-year period.

The letter, which drew criticism from some including the president of the European Olympic Committee who called the move “premature” and said it “seems to have been an attempt to agree [on] an outcome before any evidence has been presented”, also called for Russian athletes to be prohibited from competing in the Games. It recommended banning Russian athletes from Rio. But the call by WADA is likely to followed up by the United States and Canadian anti-doping agencies. But to be able to make a final decision on these officials’ responsibility, we ask the WADA commission to provide fuller and more objective fact-based information so that Russia’s law enforcement and investigative agencies can use it in their investigation.

McLaren, who was a member of Wada’s independent commission which a year ago exposed widespread doping and corruption in Russian athletics, leading to the ban on Russian track and field athletes from Rio, said the Russian Ministry of Sport oversaw the manipulation of athletes’ analytical results and sample swapping. Russian state TV Monday was scheduled to screen a film attacking WADA’s motives for investigating.

Rodchenkov was described as a “truthful” witness while other witness came forward on a confidential basis and have not been named.

It read: “The findings of the McLaren Report are truly shocking”. “We’ve had a very intense 57 days”.

“The State implemented a simple failsafe strategy”, McLaren said in the report. “It endangers athletes’ health and lives and discredits fair sporting competition”.

“I am unwaveringly confident in our report”, he added.

McLaren said that the Kremlin scheme enabled Russian athletes across a wide range of sports “to compete dirty whilst being certain their samples would be clean”.

McLaren said the evidence of tampering with sample bottles in Sochi was apparent and that similar bottles could be used at Rio without fear. “With relatively easy training, people can idenitify if there are any problems in Rio”.


WADA’s other recommendations include denying Russian government officials access to worldwide competitions, including Rio 2016.

Russian Inquiry Finds Cheating Went Beyond Sochi Olympics