
Walker not anxious about slipping Iowa poll numbers

This time, he’s gone too far. Trump, dumped from a keynote speech Saturday night in Atlanta by the influential conservative group RedState, tweeted on Monday he had been assured by Fox News president Roger Ailes that the network would treat him fairly.


For now, Donald Trump continues to be the “Teflon man” of the 2016 presidential race, with very early indicators showing his frontrunner status is still intact after the first GOP debate and his ensuing battle with Fox News host Megyn Kelly. Or perhaps they hope that if they tell themselves and the rest of the world it’s true, then it will come to pass.

Trump signalled campaign changes are afoot, including the departure of long-time strategist Roger Stone, who reportedly urged Trump to lay out a political agenda rather than focus on sniping.

“This one surprised me a little, but the polling is clear”.

When CNN asked participants if they have “definitely decided” whom they’d support in the Iowa caucuses, 66 percent said they were “still trying to decide”. It’s a feature, not a bug.

Paul was one of the few Republicans on the debate stage in Cleveland to go after Trump after the latter refused to pledge to support the eventual Republican nominee or rule out a third-party bid. “In five of the seven polls, the gain was six percentage points or more“. After a while, he probably would have gotten bored and dropped out.

“You could take dollar for dollar – although I’m not sure we need half a billion dollars for women’s health issues – but if you took dollar for dollar, there are many extraordinarily fine community health organizations that exist to provide quality care for women on a wide variety of health issues”, he said. Trailing behind Trump is Texas Sen. And you’d be right.

Born-again Christians are a powerful force: They are likely to account for more than 40 percent of Republican caucus attendees.

Trump’s staying power is defying predictions of political doom and leading some Republicans to explore ways to persuade him not to pursue a third-party bid should he falter in his quest for the Republican nomination in 2016. It will cost $15 million to get on 50 state ballots and tens of millions more to promote his candidacy. Trump insults women with, shall we say, colorful language.

Scott Walker (R) placed second at 12%, followed by US Sen. Marco Rubio close behind at 11 percent. Sexual harassment allegations and an alleged affair ended his campaign just two months later. As he said on Sunday’s “Face the Nation”, “I will be phenomenal to the women”. Beyond his mediocre debate performance, Jeb Bush’s support for a legal path for undocumented immigrants and Common Core education standards may play well with businesses and in the general election with Hispanics. That isn’t to say Clinton doesn’t have her own image problems, but her eventual Republican opponent will have to slog his way through this insane primary, offering voters reasons not to vote Republican all along the way.

While Donald Trump finished first in CNN/ORC’s new poll of Iowa voters, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson moved into second place.


Paul Waldman is a contributor to The Plum Line blog, and a senior writer at The American Prospect.

Donald Trump Polls New Post Debate Polls Show Surge | fox