
Walker raised about $7.4 million in run for president

Walker, who was criticized for having too many staffers on his campaign payroll, had $985,000 cash on hand at the close of the reporting period. Both had taken the semester off from college to hit the campaign trail with their dad.


Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s now-ended Republican presidential bid was spending almost as much as it was raising, according to a disclosure report that reveals how dire his campaign’s financial situation was when he abandoned the race for the White House on September 21.

Walker spokesman Tom Evenson confirmed that Matt and Alex were employees of the campaign, but offered on other comment. “Instead of doing what a lot of candidates do and whine about this, that or whatever, for me I accept it for what it is”. In the same quarter, Walker’s campaign spent $6.3 million.

A few of Walker’s $161,000 in unpaid bills through the end of September included $76,000 for online advertising, $10,000 for communications consulting and $44,000 for event staging costs.


Democrat Hillary Clinton led the way in the third quarter with $28 million raised, to rival Bernie Sanders’ $26 million. Walker’s administration said last week that groups connected with Walker had paid about $58,000 of $125,000 in security expenses.

Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign finance reports due Thursday will provide insight into his failed presidential campaign