
Walker Says He’ll ‘Never’ Use Language Trump Does

Finally, in an answer that gets across the heart of Trump’s appeal to Republican voters, they also say he’d be “most likely to change the way things work in Washington”. Walker is almost even with a slew of other candidates.


Witness that part of his reaction to Kelly after the debate included him retweeting someone else’s Twitter post calling Kelly a “bimbo”.

He used his take-no-prisoners style to batter Mr. Bush in particular, saying the former Florida governor “will not be able to negotiate against China (or) Mexico”. The rest of the field stands at 3% or less. A full 66 percent of respondents said they are still trying to decide, while 19 percent said they are leaning toward a candidate, and 15 percent said they have definitely decided. Fiorina has cracked the top tier thanks to her excellence in the 5 p.m. debate while Carson has now seemingly emerged as the social-con favorite.

But Trump’s advantages are not universal. He faces a large gender gap: While holding a 15-point lead over his nearest competitor among men (27% Trump to 12% Walker, Carson at 10%), he trails among women (20% back Carson, 15% Trump, and 11% support Fiorina).

The poll, presented by CNN’s John King, shows Trump is number one with those who support the tea party with 19% and Ben Carson is right behind him with 18%.

Support for Trump is highest with those who make less than $50,000 and did not attend college. Christie had 2 percent in that survey.

Republican leaders acknowledged the need to improve the GOP’s standing among women, who constituted 53 percent of the national electorate in 2012 and have favored Democrats in every presidential election in the last quarter century.

It was Mr Trump’s comments later in the interview that drew the most scrutiny, however, when he suggested that menstruation was to blame for moderator Megyn Kelly’s “unfair” questions.

Trump, the real estate developer and former reality TV star who has been dominating the race this summer, said “devalue means suck the blood out of the United States” who vowed that if he were president, Ford’s plant would be built in the U.S., preferably Michigan.

He’s also polling best when Iowa voters were asked which candidate would best handle the issue of “terrorism”.

He’s preferred nearly 4-to-1 on issues related to the economy.

Real-estate magnate has jumped out to his biggest lead yet in the state of Iowa, which will hold the nation’s first presidential caucuses next year.


Early returns are in, and it appears the first presidential debate was a setback for Gov. Scott Walker nationally and in Iowa, a state widely regarded as crucial to his chances. The margin of sampling error for results among the sample of likely Republican caucus attendees is plus or minus 4 percentage points.

Trump sanders