
Walker stumbles through Black Lives Matter question

But all lives matter.


“Campaign Zero was informed by the demands of protestors nationwide, research and input from many folks”, tweeted DeRay Mckesson, an organiser with the Black Lives Matter movement.

We have seen this before.

My opinion on what I was? And then it’s the rapid, violent version in police brutality. Photos of the broken body of Khaled Said, beaten and murdered at the hands of the Egyptian police, galvanized support for reform. Mubarak’s presidency fell to a coalition of leftists, socialists and Islamists united by the chant, “The people want the downfall of the regime”, but political cleavages soon divided that call into different political messages. Some roll down their windows and say, “Thank you“. “To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete”.

The accusations went viral through social media and led to harassment of King and other members of Black Lives Matter.

I was frequently asked questions like, “What are you?” “Who’s the tea party?” And here’s the irony: whether or not these primary challenges are successful, the Tea Party wins.

It’s also indicative about why so many of us are clamoring for Republican candidates who can man-handle the press.

The Webster-Kirkwood Times recently published an article about Peace Congregational Church in Webster Groves, and the theft of its sign reading “Black Lives Matter”.

Responding to Trump’s remarks Friday, a spokewoman for O’Malley’s campaign told Politico that the former governor has no interest in “engaging in a race to the bottom”. For example, Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida) admitted in an August 13 interview on Fox News that, “We do need to face this”. No one with the slightest comprehension of what King fought for could seriously contend he would be “appalled” at a campaign geared to the suffering of African-American people. “Every single person who knows me BEYOND Twitter, beyond trending topics and HIT PIECES, knows I have never lied about my race”.

Obama is a living refutation of the claims made by groups such as Black Lives Matter, and their pseudo-left apologists, that the elevation of African-Americans to positions of influence within the structure of American imperialism will improve the conditions of life for the vast majority of the oppressed. He is an outspoken supporter of Second Amendment rights. Certainly, the potential is there. While visiting the West Bank Jewish settlement of Shiloh, he told reporters, “if you’re going to visit Israel you should visit all of Israel, and that would include Judea and Samaria”, the biblical names for the West Bank.


According to the New York Times, winning the black vote is essential for a Hillary Clinton victory in the general election which in part explains Clinton’s effort to reach common ground with the much younger Black Lives Matter activists, as portrayed in the videos below. And unless the movement can increasingly move the discussion from the streets and the margins of meetings to the floor of Congress and the hearings of its committees – not by appeasers, but by the converted – that will continue to be the case.

Sheriff David Clarke harshly criticizes Black Lives Matter