
Walker to sign Bucks arena bill next week

Two weeks ago, a rather obvious judicial bag job ended the investigation into the shenanigans that invariably attend any campaign conducted on behalf of Scott Walker, the goggle-eyed homunculus hired by Koch Industries to manage their subsidiary.


The warrant was issued in a John Doe probe that focused on longtime Walker aide Cindy Archer and others who were close to Walker during his tenure as Milwaukee County executive.

Walker has long maintained that he did nothing wrong and that he was not a target of the investigation.

Walker spokeswoman Laurel Patrick, in an email to the Milwaukee Business Journal Wednesday, declined to confirm the report. “She”™s suing Milwaukee District Attorney John Chisholm, a Democrat, arguing her constitutional rights were violated when investigators searched her home as part of the probe.

Prosecutors were looking into signs of misconduct and bid-rigging related to the competition to house the department in private office space. That moment occurs when the principals involved release all the supporting documents behind their respective cases secure in the knowledge that nobody’s paying attention any more, if they ever were at all.

The county never followed through with the deal for the building and no charges were filed. Walker’s staff says the governor will meet Ohio voters and activists, “sharing his message as a fighter and a victor with a proven record of reform in Wisconsin”. “I am very sensitive to the situation and I work pretty hard not to leave finger prints”, wrote Hiller, who resigned as Walker’s campaign treasurer in May 2011.


Republican presidential candidate, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker steps away from the podium to speak during the opening ceremony of the Wisconsin State Fair, Thursday, August 6, 2015, in West Allis, Wis., before leaving to participate in the Republican presidential debate in Cleveland.

Mixed result in Scott Walker probe