
Walker unveils plan to repeal & exchange ObamaCare

But he offered few other details about cost estimates, timeline or the number of people affected.


Steve Wise, president of Cass Screw Machine Products, where Walker debuted his plan, said he disagrees with Walker on repealing the ACA. That helps federal taxpayers around the country but places a larger responsibility on state taxpayers in Wisconsin. But he does blame the law for raising his health insurance costs – this year, by 35 percent.

Several of Walker’s rivals for the Republican presidential nomination are Republican senators: Sen. He said scrapping that would light a fire under Congress to pass the repeal. It’s the same Republican health care “reform” puzzle pieces assembled in a slightly new way. But there’s a big distance between disliking a law and agreeing on what should replace it. Smart, commonsense lawsuit reform is a critical element of ensuring everyone has access to high quality care, protecting the rights of patients as well as the vast majority of medical professionals who take pride in their profession. Newborns, as well as young adults leaving their parents’ insurance plans and buying their own, would have these same protections. “We don’t like the brash East Coast mentality – not to say that’s not going to win“.

The health care law could represent tricky political ground for both sides.

“The Day One Patient Freedom Plan” also would open the door to shopping for health insurance across state lines and reorganize Medicaid. It turns out that protecting people with pre-existing conditions is really popular, and this means that Republicans all feel like they have to support the idea. The Republican controlled House “has voted 56 times to repeal or undermine the law, but zero times on a plan to replace it, the Washington Post pointed out Tuesday”.

Half of Americans disapprove of the Affordable Care Act, while only 44 percent approve, according to the most recent Gallup survey. For instance, health coverage would not be compulsory and people would not face fines as they are now facing. Every state’s pool also had exclusion periods of two months to one year for pre-existing conditions – making worse the very problem they were meant to address – for those who lacked continuous coverage.

Tim Jost, a prominent health care expert, said Walker’s “tax credits at the level proposed would not begin to cover the cost of decent coverage”. For lower income people, this is a lousy deal: a 25-year-old earning $17,000 at a low wage job would get a ,962 credit under Obamacare.

The centerpiece of Mr. Walker’s plan is an annual tax credit for people who don’t receive health insurance from their employers to buy an insurance plan on the private market.

Walker would also allow consumers to pool together and purchase insurance as a group. He would also restructure Medicaid and allow people to shop for insurance across state lines.

“There’s a lot of this that is fairly standard conservative health policy reform”, Holtz-Eakin said.

The Walker plan would turn Medicaid into a block grant program. So naturally he want to, as he said today, “return control to the states”.

The Republican presidential contenders all claim they want to repeal Obamacare, but later Tuesday, Scott Walker will become the first top-tier candidate to deliver a detailed blueprint on what would come next.


Outsider candidate Donald Trump is surging in the polls, and Walker had no clear, consistent response Monday to whether he backed the billionaire’s plan to deport all illegal immigrants in the United States and remove the guarantee of citizenship for their children who are born in this country.
