
Walmart Set to Start Cyber Monday Sales on Sunday

While Cyber Monday is expected to remain the biggest single day in terms of online revenue, Black Friday is expected to close the gap, with sales expected to rise 15 percent to $2.7 billion, Adobe said.


Last year, sold 40 percent more on Cyber Monday than it had on the year before. Cyber Monday will last all day at Best Buy, and some deals will be extended for the rest of the week.

“The customers have changed but Cyber Monday hasn’t changed with them”, Madeira told Reuters. was not updating entirely for nearly 30 minutes.

Jason Goldberger, the President of and Target’s mobile operation said in a statement released simultaneously that, “We’re making a not-to-be-missed destination for deal-seekers on Cyber Monday and throughout Cyber Week”. Thanks to Walmart stores you won’t have to.

Cyber Monday is a shopping phenomenon that started years ago by shoppers who wanted to continue shopping after Black Friday, or who wanted to skip Black Friday altogether.

Wal-Mart had a handful of “teaser” deals on Sunday previous year but this is the first time it will offer all of its Cyber Monday promotions the day before.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals are getting exciting in the Target world, for shoppers who are prepping early for this upcoming weekend. Walmarts earlier start time breaks with that “tired” tradition and reflects a commitment to make shopping easier for customers without asking them to stay up into the wee hours or checking online every few minutes on Monday.

The discount on the Microsoft Surface Pro 3 is the biggest we have seen so far this holiday shopping season. More information on the Evening Edition will be unveiled before Cyber Monday.

The name “Cyber Monday” was coined in 2005 by the National Retail Federation’s online arm, called, to encourage people to shop online. The best discounts can be found on mid-range and high-end goods.


On the heels of Black Friday, Walmart begins Cyber Week on Saturday, Nov. 28 with key items available for free in-store pick up.

Target Offers a 15 Percent Sitewide Discount on Cyber Monday