
Warren on attack against Trump as she gets behind Clinton

“Apparently for Mark Kirk, it’s acceptable to refer to Mexicans as rapists; to propose banning Muslims from entering the country; to call women fat pigs and dogs; to mock a reporter’s disability; and to insult just about everyone who doesn’t look like Donald Trump”. Trump said Curiel would be biased against him, because of Trump’s previous public statements about building a wall between the United States and Mexico.


“It is unfortunate that my comments have been misconstrued as a categorical attack against people of Mexican heritage”, the presumptive Republ-ican nominee said in statement. “Ashamed for using the megaphone of a presidential campaign to attack a judge’s character and integrity simply because you think you have some God-given right to steal people’s money and get away with it”. “All judges should be held to that standard”.

“Donald Trump needs to admit that he made a serious mistake”, Collins said.

Though Ryan didn’t back away from his endorsement, he said he would continue to speak out when he believed the billionaire businessman makes inappropriate statements. “Trump is also House Speaker Paul Ryan’s kind of candidate”, she said in her prepared remarks.

“I will not stand silent if the party of Lincoln and the end of slavery buckles under the racial bias of a bigot”, Johnson said, referring to Trump. He said of Trump’s judge comments: “It’s ridiculous”. “Trump did not say anything racist”.

Warren further contended that while Trump “chose racism as his weapon”, his aim is the same as that of other Republicans: “Pound the courts into submission to the rich and powerful”. “I don’t think it’s healthy for our system”.

U.S. Rep. Raúl Labrador slammed Donald Trump on Thursday for racially charged rhetoric about a Hispanic judge but said he still supported his party’s nominee for president on a policy basis.

The liberal lawmaker increasingly has tangled with Trump, taking on a role that she seems able to execute more effectively than other Democrats, including presumptive presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.


It’s “ridiculous” to call Trump a racist, Icahn told CNBC on Thursday. “Like tens of millions of Americans, I will not vote for Hillary Clinton and desire to vote for a bold, conservative leader”.

Ribble Trump