
Warren, Sanders Campaign For Clinton In Ohio

Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, according to a reports.


Since Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, publicly opposed the trade deal, many Democrats and Republicans have speculated that her opposition to TPP is not genuine, arguing that Sanders’s tough challenge forced Clinton to do so.

The Massachusetts senator will be at events in Columbus and Cleveland on Saturday and Sunday, respectively. He’ll be urging new voters to register by the October 11 deadline.

In the Canton area, Sanders will kick off a “Weekend of Action” organizing event, and in the Kent and Akron areas, Sanders will rally Ohioans on college campuses. She will be at public events at Cleveland in Columbus over the weekend. The campaign has yet to announce details of the latter event.

Warren was in Philadelphia last month, stumping for Clinton and Democrats Pennsylvania Senate candidate.

In Columbus on Saturday, Warren will hold an organizing event on campus at The Ohio State University.

He will emphasize the Democratic nominee’s plans to allow students to attend college debt-free and community college for free, as well as plans for protecting access to health care, reforming the nation’s immigration system, raising the minimum wage and fighting climate change.


Warren, a MA senator mentioned as a potential Clinton running mate, is at Ohio State Saturday, then joining senatorial candidate Ted Strickland in Cleveland Sunday morning.
