
Warren to campaign with Clinton in Ohio on Monday

John Podesta, chairman of the Clinton campaign and a trusted confidante, is leading the effort, along with Cheryl Mills, the former secretary of state’s longtime adviser and lawyer. All those interviewed spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss details of a closely held and ongoing process that they cautioned remains in its early stages.


Clinton has said her first requirement for a vice president is that the person be able to serve as president if necessary.

But Warren got $633,000 from the Securities Industry despite her frequent attacks on big banks and the benefits enjoyed by the ‘one percent, ‘ according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

He’s not talking, but plenty of others are floating U.S. Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey.

“I am not talking about that, very purposefully”, he said. And unlike Sen. Sherrod Brown of OH, or Sens. Number one, I’ve said for a long time, I don’t believe that’s going to happen, ‘ Castro said.

Clinton gave Brown a nod during an economic speech in Ohio Tuesday.

That’s a lot to lose in return for choosing Warren, a fellow New Englander, hard-line progressive and divisive figure, as Vice President. I would hope that we wouldn’t take the Latino community for granted.

Are there really that many “moderate Democrats” who love Wall Street so much that they’d be turned off by Warren? Tim Kaine or Mark Warner, both of Virginia, Warren represents MA, not a traditional swing state that she could help deliver in the fall.

Clinton is, of course, a good friend to Warren’s sworn enemies in Manhattan’s financial district.


“(He would) help the Democratic Party to solidify a more diverse base of support”, Wilson said. She is, and that’s why she has about million more cash on hand than Trump does right now. Six percent suggested Brown, 12 percent said Castro, 17 percent said Booker and 35 percent said Warren. All three, if elected vice president, would be replaced by the choices of Republican governors. (Warren’s Senate seat would be filled relatively quickly by a special election.) Minority Leader Harry Reid has warned that such a pick could weaken the Democratic Party in the Senate. Becerra has already campaigned in 10 states for Clinton and would offer some diversity to the ticket.

Elizabeth Warren