
Was Ben Carson Just the Republican Flavor of the Month?

When asked for their first choice among the crowded GOP field, 24 percent opted for Trump, while 20 percent backed Carson in the Bloomberg Politics survey, which was conducted between November 15 and November 17, among 379 registered Republicans and those who lean toward that party. Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who scored as high as 18% in another New Hampshire poll in September, fell to 10%.


Their resurrection by Mr Trump was denounced by Steven Furlop, Jersey City’s Democratic mayor, and by George Pataki, governor of NY when the attacks happened, and also a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination.

Donald Trump continues to lead the New Hampshire polls.

“‘I know because I wrote it, ‘ he said of the council’s reaction, adding that if Mr. Trump had evidence of cheering, he should present it”. He did not expound on just how an administration would determine what constitutes “radicalization” or “anti-American”.

‘We’re going to have to look at a lot of things very closely’.

In the Washington Post/ABC News poll, Rubio is in third at 11%, followed by Cruz at 8%, Bush at 6% and former tech CEO Carly Fiorina at 4%.

Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) would do best against Clinton, 50 to 42 percent, pollsters found.

“I think waterboarding is peanuts compared to what they’d do to us, what they’re doing to us, what they did to James Foley when they chopped off his head”, he said on ABC’s “This Week”.

Trump was pressed on the idea of a registry by an NBC News reporter Thursday evening while the candidate campaigned in Iowa.

Branding undocumented immigrants from Mexico, rapists and criminals and backing a database for Muslims in the United States proposals could have ended a more traditional campaign, but not Trump’s, as citizens more and more scared of the “outside” world want a leader that can ensure them their safety. In a post on Twitter, Mr. Trump complained that it was a reporter, not he, who had first raised the idea of a database.

“I would certainly implement that”.

The latest national polls in the wake of the deadly ISIS attacks in Paris and the subsequent uproar over whether the US should accept Syrian refugees find billionaire Donald Trump still at the top of the GOP heap.

In a NY Times article published yesterday where Trump calls for the surveillance of “certain mosques”, as well as a Syrian refugee database, the presidential hopeful heavily implied that the Muslim population in Jersey City applauded the 9/11 attacks as they occurred.

“I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down”, Trump said Saturday.

Trump and Carson also voiced their support for greater surveillance of mosques and other public places where Islamic radicalization might occur.


“We’ll build a wall on the southern border and yes, I will also quickly and decisively bomb the hell out of ISIS…We will not have to listen to the politicians who are losing the war on terrorism”, he says.

Carson toast