
Was Trump’s speech a success?

She watched the speech in the box reserved for Trump’s family, accompanied by her son, Barron, the youngest of Donald Trump’s children. And then, came the mic test.


Trump has not addressed childcare costs or the gender pay gap so far in his 2016 presidential bid. They’re so honest. They’re such honorable people. Every day in the Senate, I have spent every waking moment fighting for this country, fighting for you, fighting to honor the promises I made. It’s great to be here. “I hope you would”. And they’re doing a great job.

Ted Cruz doesn’t. And, really, why should he?

Ted Cruz, Donald Trump’s former rival, was booed off the Republican top stage on Wednesday night after he withheld his endorsement of the NY billionaire as the nominee.

“Cruz talked abut how Trump insulted his wife and his father”, delegate Crystal Berg of Washington County said. “I just think it was an bad performance”, he told MSNBC. I’m ashamed of him.

Clinton has been a stronger unifier of the Republican Party than Trump.

“Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it”, Trump told delegates.

Above all, he hit her for her campaign’s line, “I’m with her”. It was, as political commentators on numerous networks said, a speech unlike any other they’ve heard.

Members of the crowd in the Cleveland arena react badly to Senator Ted Cruz’s failure to endorse Donald Trump.

Speaking of a “crisis” in the country, following the recent police shootings and attacks, Mr Trump said: “The crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end”.

Cruz made it clear he would not vote for the Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, however.

Trump’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort, attempted to put a positive spin on the booing of Cruz, which he said increased party unity, “in a backhanded way”. Marco Rubio, also addressed the convention’s third night, delivering lukewarm endorsements of Trump.

Republicans have used their convention to rally loyalists, but fissures have persisted after a brutal primary battle in which Trump defeated 16 rivals.

But don’t look for Trump to change much now that he’s the nominee. Demonstrators took to the streets this afternoon, and plan to rally again this evening.

For the “PBS NewsHour” in Cleveland, I’m Lisa Desjardins.

GWEN IFILL: We head down to the convention floor now.

The whole convention has been building up to Trump. You see it in the slogans, the t shirts, the buttons and the speeches. What are you watching for tonight? Either way, Pence was just wallpaper on his big night. In American politics, these gatherings are created to officially nominate the presidential candidate – a foregone conclusion this time around for both the Republicans and the Democrats, who will meet next week – and rally the faithful to get behind that candidate and the party’s contenders for Congress.

Heidi Cruz had to be escorted to safety when it was over, CNN reported. “We have had the Bushes…but they are…”


In the speech that he’s about to give, we will hear a lot of the themes we have heard throughout the week of an unsteady world, of it’s a chaotic world.

Ivanka Trump arrives on stage to introduce her father Donald