
Washington Post Reporter Hassled by Police at Trump Campaign Event

DelReal tried to get in through the general admission line just as the newspaper’s reporters did for Donald Trump’s events, since the presidential candidate recently denied Washington Post access from attending his events.


Trump continues to campaign as the Democratic National Convention is underway.

While Pence was the Republican headliner of the night, several other Wisconsin leaders took to the stage, including DNR Secretary Cathy Stepp. Holcomb announced his intention to run after Governor Mike Pence dropped out of the race to run for Vice President.

Pence Campaign officials initially said they were unaware of the incident when asked for comment Wednesday night, according to the Post. “You know I love this country”.

“Donald Trump understands the frustrations and aspirations of the America people and he will bring reacl change to Washington D.C.” explains Pence.

On the other side of the aisle, it’s likely that Trump’s opponent, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, has received a significant bump because she is the first woman to be nominated by a major political party in American history.

Speaking before Pence was a host of notable Wisconsin Republicans, including Governor Walker.

Donald Trump’s running mate, Mike Pence, is offering condolences after a San Diego police officer was killed and another injured in an early morning shooting. “I’m proud to say with the support of our conservative legislator, we’ve enacted more than $3.5 billion in tax relief for Hoosiers between now and 2022”.

Walker’s recent full-throated endorsement of Trump, and his appearance at Wednesday’s rally with Pence, could also help to sway reticent Republicans.

“Well, we’re going to just go out and tell the story”.

In fact, Pence could very well hamper Trump’s fundraising with corporations and Wall Street given his socially conservative record as an IN governor and “pay to play” laws that hamper state officials from fundraising from financial services firms.


“I never met Putin”. “And you know, one of the reasons-and this is 100 percent-one of the reasons I chose Mike was because IN, under his leadership, has done so well”. At an earlier campaign appearance, he encouraged Russian Federation to find and make public missing emails deleted by his presidential opponent, Hillary Clinton. “You have to go, ‘” DelReal told the Post.

Donald Trump's running mate talks with 7 Action News after a Novi speech.                      WXYZ