
Wasserman Schultz left to defend House seat, $$ pours in for primary foe

In one memorable moment after he won the New Hampshire primary in February, Sanders declared on national television that he was holding a fundraiser right then and there and asked for people to chip in $27, which he claimed as his campaign’s average donation.


“It raises questions about the natural instincts of Clinton that when confronted with a serious domestic political scandal, she tries to blame the Russians, blame the Chinese, etcetera”, he told CNN. But, as I’ve written before, I’m sorry to see Wasserman Schultz forced from the chairmanship of the Democratic National Committee. She sacrificed her job to “keep the peace” within the DNC, amid calls from Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders’ campaign manager for someone to be “held accountable” for the anti-Sanders collusion proven by the leaked emails.

He added: “Because if she does that while in government, it could lead to problems”. “He isn’t going to be president”, referring to a Sanders appearance on CNN.

Party for Socialism and Liberation presidential candidate Gloria La Riva, commented: “These latest revelations show once again that our so-called “democratic” political system is irredeemably corrupt, that big money-not the votes nor the interests of the people-is the decisive factor”. Not Hillary Clinton, though I’m not a Hillary hater. She’s not ideal, not by any means – but she’s one of the few remaining Democrats with an emotional attachment to Zion. “I think that it had become a definite diversion”.

She has been a loyal soldier for Democrats, working tirelessly for the party and doing good work.

Sanders, who drew a fervent following of youth and liberals during a primary campaign that called for a tough hand on Wall Street and more aggressive steps to counter social inequality, struggled on Monday to get his own supporters in line.

Soon thereafter, Wasserman Schultz achieved a new pinnacle, chairing the DNC.

“We want Bernie!” they shouted in anger at both Clinton’s victory in the race for the Democratic nomination and emails leaked on Friday suggesting the party leadership had tried to sabotage Sanders’ insurgent campaign.

If the DNC had followed through with the plan to paint Sanders as an atheist, it would have discredited him with the Christian voters.

In the opening hours of the convention on Monday, party officials struggled to carry out business as angry Sanders supporters roared their disapproval, drawing a deafening response from Clinton delegates.

Image: Bernie Sanders hugs a supporter at a campaign event. Trump himself has spoken favorably about Putin as someone he could negotiate with. National party committees don’t typically take sides in primaries, so the rules governing their activity don’t get much attention. So the conspiracy theory is not entirely paranoid. Those two Democratic presidential candidates also criticized the timing, per se, of those debates, saying that the debates had been intentionally scheduled to attract fewer viewers. Others said they simply couldn’t support Clinton. Wasserman Schultz certainly did what she could to boost Hillary Clinton and scuttle the surprisingly successful upstart Sanders campaign.


Before it was even gaveled in on Monday, the Democratic National Convention started on the wrong note, with a damaging leak of emails that cast the party in the worst possible light and threw further doubts on the veracity of the nominee it is supposed to showcase this week. Her district covers parts of Broward and Miami-Dade Counties, including Fort Lauderdale and Miami Beach.

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