
Watch a Live Stream of the 2016 Democratic National Convention Here

Sanders seems to be doing good work going around to the delegations and reinforcing the fact that they need to support Clinton.


Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg denounced Trump as a “dangerous demagogue” and said his fellow New York billionaire was little more than a con artist with a well-documented record of bankruptcies. “‘It ought to be apparent to all, and the Democrats should be able to make the case, that he is manifestly unsuited to be the president of the United States because of his recklessness with the national security, ‘ Bernstein said”. Trump, a wealthy businessman, accepted the Republican nomination in Cleveland, Ohio, last week.

The former President slammed negative perceptions about Hillary Clinton as distortions from Republicans after rattling off her biographical high points.

Mr Obama portrayed the Democratic presidential nominee as a unifying candidate who would meet the needs of all of America’s vastly diverse communities.

But when Clinton finally proposed, he surprisingly received a resounding “no” from the future Democratic nominee. “Donald Trump is the worst candidate in the modern history of this country”.

If you happen to be a visitor navigating the maze of barriers to get onto one of Philadelphia’s SEPTA trains, then maybe you saw Bernie’s supporters chanting “Hell no, DNC!” “She was easy to underestimate with her soft manner, and she reminded me all over again of the truth of that old saying you should never judge a book by its covers”.

And most recently, Bill Clinton said he looks forward to the possibility of being the nation’s first “first gentleman” at a campaign event in June in Inglewood, California. Sanders supporters marched out of the venue following the nomination process.

JOHN YANG: Last night, dozens of Sanders delegates walked out of the convention.

Protesters supporting her rival from the Democratic primary, Vermont Sen. She sure has. And she has sure been worth every single year she has put into making people’s lives better. She doesn’t care about that.

– Part of the program today will be devoted to gun violence: We’ll hear from Christine Leinonen, whose son was killed at the shooting at Pulse night club in Orlando.

BARACK OBAMA: One of the dangers in an election like this is that people don’t take the challenge seriously, they stay home, and we end up getting the unexpected. Tonight will be the Democrats’ chance to answer that and they will do it with some heavy hitters, one of them, Leon Panetta, a former director of the Central Intelligence Agency and former director of defense.


We contacted Clinton’s campaign and requested the source of information for this approval rating. Sanders didn’t go after black voters, while Trump ignored standard conservative messaging. Speaker after speaker made it clear that this about more than Sanders; it’s about America’s “rigged” two-party system.

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