
Watch Adele Brilliantly Troll Adele Impersonators By Posing As One Herself

It’s almost expected, at this point, that nearly anything you’d want to listen to is available for streaming, without the financial commitment that used to be necessary to hear music on demand. “You look so not yourself”, Norton said before Adele joined the others.


All over the world, millions of music lovers are sobbing into their pillows while listening to Adele’s long-awaited new album, 25.

The impersonators watch her sing and much to their surprise they slowly realize that the real Adele is on stage.

In the video she tells the rest of them that she is a full time nanny and a part time Adele impersonator. With this decision, the new mom Adele shares that the things from her past will no longer affect her as intensely as before.

As Real Adele takes to the stage to audition, she feigns nervousness, as the other Adele’s nod and encourage her. As the penny drops, the tears fall and her hard-core fans are overwhelmed.

Adele promised her voice was back to its best after “gruelling” singing sessions where she “sang like a demon”.

Which brings us to today: the return of Queen Adele and her third album 25 hitting stores today.

“I was so open [in the songs on previous album 21]… and I hurt people’s feelings with that…” she admits.

British singer-songwriter Adele Laurie Blue Adkins, professionally known as Adele, has released three studio albums titled “19”, “21” and “25”. Her crowd-pleasing aesthetic can sometimes lead music snobs to dismiss her song craft, but the United Kingdom singer has separated herself from the pack of post-Winehouse crooners by pairing her all-powerful voice with intricately arranged melodies and turns of phrase that cut to the core. She comes across as wiser, as having lived beyond her years.


In a shifting record industry plagued by years of declining sales, the Adele bonanza is proof that while everything in the music business has changed, nothing has changed in the business of music. The birth of her son was what inspired her to make music again.

Which famous celebrity is this impersonating Adele