
Watch Bernie Sanders Sing Woody Guthrie Classic on Super Tuesday

But Sanders won in Oklahoma, Minnesota and Colorado, states he had trailed by double digits in the closing days, and strategists said that shows they have momentum.


On Tuesday night, Clinton took aim at Trump’s reputation for spewing insults at his opponents, and repeated an attack on the real estate mogul’s proposal to build a 1,000-mile wall along the border with Mexico.

So Clinton, increasingly confident that she’ll be the Democratic nominee, is turning her attention more and more to Republican frontrunner Donald Trump. Martin calls Bernie Sanders’ win, “a very decisive victory”. “Caucuses are a good environment for a candidate like Sanders, who draws younger, enthusiastic voters – particularly those who see themselves as part of a movement”. The party organized 3,010 precinct caucuses at more than 400 locations around the state. She embraced the anti-police-brutality movement Black Lives Matter, spearheaded by young African-Americans, and vowed to expand President Obama’s deportation relief for young people in the country illegally and their families.

Martin said it appeared that Sanders would win each of the state’s eight congressional districts.

A number of superdelegates have reportedly received aggressive messages from Sanders’ supporters, accusing some members of the voter bloc of intimidation, The New York Post reports.

Essex Democrats gave Sanders 429 votes to Clinton’s 354.

“The DFL expects around 80 percent of 2008 turnout”. “But not this many”, Senate District 54 Chairwoman Diana Tunheim said.

— Not surprisingly for a self-described democratic socialist like Sanders, the senator did better among lower-income voters than higher-income.

“In Vermont, billionaires do not buy town meetings”, Sanders said to cheers. Almost as many want a candidate willing to “tell it like it is.” Four in 10 said they were born again, cutting into Ted Cruzs efforts to claim the evangelical vote.

Minnesota is no stranger to standing out in nomination contests, as Republican voters haven’t picked the eventual party nominee in an open contest since 2000.

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders speaks to supporters during a Super Tuesday rally Tuesday in Essex Junction, Vt.

But Massachusetts has always been fond of the Clintons, providing gushers of campaign cash over the years, as well as political advisors and votes.

Sanders beat Clinton among voters making under $50k, and voters making between $50k and $100k.

Many Republicans remain unconvinced that Rubio is the candidate who can take down Trump.

In her February 12 speech to Minnesota Democrats, Clinton sprinkled her speech with local references. She also condemned his slowness disavowing support from the Ku Klux Klan. Her double-digit wins in delegate rich states in the South were able to overcome Sanders, who won four states.

While Clinton had much of the party establishment behind her, Sanders banked on strong support from the state’s college-age voters to help keep his candidacy afloat. “She changes her opinions based on what’s politically expedient”. “It has definitely energized people”, he said.

The former secretary of state’s campaign, through the Hillary Victory Fund, also raised $4.4 million for the Democratic National Committee and state parties.


Sen. Debbie Stabenow has already made up her mind. Amy Klobuchar, U.S. Sen. The statement was in response to Clinton’s dig at him earlier in the night.

Polls open for Super Tuesday primary voting