
Watch Betty White declare ‘Deadpool’ the year’s best movie

I want that quoted.


At it seems that the film’s heartthrob star is more than happy about plans to expand his character’s sexuality.

“Deadpool” is an R-rated superhero movie full of graphic violence and offensive language, and that may be actually a good thing for its box office.

“It was a very frustrating experience”, Reynolds said. “I love it. I truly worship that kid…She says “dada” and I will walk through a cement wall to get to her”, says Reynolds when describing his excitement at being a father.

While there is certainly an eye-opening scene involving a strap on in the first film, we’re a tad concerned that Deadpool might have been led astray by a famous United Kingdom footballer. Now, with the 2016 standalone movie poised to rectify all mistakes, actor Ryan Reynolds is getting candid about his previous foray into the part of Wade Wilson.

While the general public may not know the name Deadpool, the character, whose super power is super fast self-healing, is one of Marvel’s most beloved titles, and after years of production delays fans are more than ready to finally see the hero on the big screen. But rather than ruminating on what could have been, screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick are keen to push ahead and expand the scope of Fox’s budding new universe.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, the actor said that he thought the depiction of Deadpool was all wrong in X-Men Origins.

“I think there’s something handsome about that, and that’s not something I was expecting”.


The Golden Girls legend declares the comic book movie – which opens in the USA today (February 12) are hitting United Kingdom cinemas on Wednesday (February 10) – both “glorious” and “the best picture of the year”.

Ryan Reynolds