
[WATCH] Brookfield High’s Annual Marching Band and Guard Home Show is Saturday

Hammonton – Hammonton High School Marching Band sported their new uniforms during their fifth competition of the season on Saturday, October 17. Science Hill’s band director Carson Vermillion said that thanks to the sponsors and support from the community, the competition continues to rise to success.


The Florida High School Marching Braves perform at 5:45 p.m., the Godby High Cougar Marching Band at 6:30 p.m., Wakulla High at 6:45 p.m., and Rickards High Raider Marching Band at 7:15 p.m. “We have warm-up areas so they can warm up visually, we have warm-up levels so they can warm up musically”.

The Band Spectacular is a marching band field show competition with 23 high schools from throughout Southern California, including the Marching Pride.

The Columbus East Olympian Spirit Marching Band was second in its class but 11th overall at the Indiana State School Music Association regional competition in Evansville, which kept the local band from advancing to the semistate round. Hosted by the American Canyon High School Band, the event will feature 19 high school marching bands in the preliminary competition, all of which will be evaluated by a panel of nationally recognized music educators and marching band experts.


“We see it from both sides”, he said.

Garden City High School Marching Band wins awards