
Watch Dogs 2 Gameplay Video Released

As Ubisoft nears the end of its press conference, the company shows off some brand new gameplay for the highly-anticipated Watch Dogs 2. Marcus is much younger and less serious than previous protagonist Aiden Pearce.


Ubisoft and Sony have collaborated for a timed exclusivity deal for Watch Dogs 2’s DLC packs on PlayStation 4. We got a look at the new hacking gameplay, some of Marcus’ abilities and equipment, as well as the stealth techniques we can employ. It seems that there some options are stealthier than others however, as the gameplay trailer also allowed us to get a glimpse at Watch Dogs 2’s combat mechanics, both in close quarters and in gunfights. To give a little breakdown of the first game, Watch Dogs is an open world action-adventure game where you roam the streets of Chicago as a hacker. Guillemot’s official announcement may have only been necessary since the original Watch Dogs wasn’t received too well.

There was also a brief introduction to the game’s new co-op features – Players will encounter other players as they explore the world, and alongside a number of gestures and other communication options players will be able to recruit each other into “co-op teams” and roam together.

Another trailer was showcased for Watch Dogs 2 which you can check out below.


The game is coming out November 15 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

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