
Watch GOP Debate Moderator Hit Trump on His ‘Comic Book’ Campaign

Easily. I believe it would lower the deficit.


Seasoned politicians trailing Mr Trump and Mr Ben Carson for the Republican nomination in the U.S. presidential election campaign are eager to shift the focus to the economy and policy in Wednesday’s (Oct 28) debate and expose what they see as weaknesses in the two front-runners.

“Let’s be honest”, he added. And what was the – called him a comic book character? We have $2-1/2 trillion outside of the United States, which we want to bring back in. They’re a feeding frenzy for sick people. And it’s something that can be done, and I get questioned about that. He then proceeded to defend his plans to build a giant wall along the US-Mexican border. That’s 13,000 miles. We’re going to have a big, fat attractive door right in the middle of the wall. And just to finish, people say, Oh, how are you going to get Mexico to pay? I can. We lose.

Quick seemed befuddled when Trump challenged the premise of her question on immigration.

During Ronald Reagan’s presidency, Kudlow served as the associate director for economics and planning, according to his CNBC profile. Oh, your, your thing’s so bad, that you have no more chance of flapping your wings and flying out of here.

Trump, the Republican front-runner, countered that CNBC personality Larry Kudlow “loves my tax plan”.


The crowd also booed Harwood when he invited Mike Huckabee to slam Trump by asking whether The Donald has the “moral authority” to unite the country.

Republican Presidential hopeful Donald Trump speaks during the CNBC Republican Presidential Debate