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Representatives for Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are in discussions for the Vermont senator to formally nominate Clinton as the Democratic presidential candidate in an effort to showcase party unity after the convention roll call vote Tuesday, a senior Democratic Party source told CNN. Sanders, who was the only real competition to Clinton during the primaries, threw his full support behind Clinton. Rhetorically, at least, die-hard Bernie Sanders’ supporters also are breaking some glass, loudly protesting his treatment by the party and still cold to Clinton even as Sanders appeals for Democrats to unify and defeat Republican Donald Trump, “a bully and a demagogue”.


“Now, whether you supported me or you supported Secretary Clinton, we all know what our task is, and that is to make sure that Donald Trump is not elected president of the United States….”

The call for unity behind Clinton drew cheers and loud jeers.

Mothers who lost children to gun violence are speaking, and Giffords and Lewis will also address the crowd.

Garcia and others at her table, including Sanders delegate Brian Carolus, were loudly booing and chanting “Bernie!” throughout the California breakfast.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at the 117th National Convention of Veterans of Foreign Wars at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, Monday, July 25, 2016.

While Mrs. Obama has often avoided overt politics, her frustration with Trump’s rise was evident. Did he make a convincing case for his faithful to get behind Clinton, even if they’re still “feeling the Bern?”

“Our motto is, “when they go low, we go high”.

“Couldn’t be more proud & our country has been blessed to have her as FLOTUS”, he posted on Twitter.

Sanders called on his flock to get behind Clinton twice on Monday before his primetime endorsement speech, including by texting supporters asking them not to protest on the convention floor, as a “personal courtesy” to him. The primary runner-up touched on a number of familiar themes from the stump speech he’s delivered countless times, railing against income inequality, the Citizens United Supreme Court decision on campaign finance and continued his calls for “political revolution”. At one point in Becerra’s brief talk, some delegates hopped on tables with Sanders signs, while other delegates pounded loudly on the tables in unison.

“It’s pretty clear: Sanders needs to have a prominent role in the campaign”, Kimpson, a Charleston Democrat, said after Sanders’ convention speech Monday night.

“None of them want her. The people who voted for Bernie”, Niswander said.


Sanders supporters were angered when a trove of hacked emails released over the weekend showed that officials at the Democratic National Committee played favorites during the primaries and worked to undermine Sanders’ campaign.

The head of the Democratic National Committee Debbie Wasserman Schultz appears on CNN's Crossfire Tuesday