
Watch Matt Damon recap the entire Bourne franchise in 90 seconds

For much of “Jason Bourne”, he sees no reason to spend a moment’s notice entertaining this suggestion, and his evasiveness becomes a handy metaphor for the obvious disinterest by Damon and Greengrass in telling another “Bourne” story.


Greengrass’ third outing with Damon (the first movie, “The Bourne Identity”, was directed by Doug Liman) wraps up as the previous ones have.

But Damon’s and Greengrass’ motivation in returning, they say, ultimately grew out of satisfying fans of the kinetic, mysterious “Bourne” films. (Her character is a computer-surveillance expert, so we get to see her do nifty stuff with facial-recognition software – but that doesn’t require much acting.) Ahmed is a bright spot; he nails the unassuming, performative chumminess of a millennial social-media prophet. It would’ve all ended so quietly forever.

The singular goal of this power nexus is to manipulate terror, technology and insurgency to fit its end game.

Tommy Lee Jones (as Robert Dewey): “Why would he come back now?”

Could you imagine disliking something or someone so much that you’d turn down millions of dollars just to not do that thing, or have to work with that person?

People look forward to seeing here the kind of breathtaking action choreography all “Bourne” films are known for. There are two auto chases and at one point the entire country of Greece collapses and nobody seems to care.

“Jason has been on the margins and he is desperate, running out of road, and more anguished”, Matt added about his role. “I mean, yeah, they let me do a little bit of it, but when it gets real, that’s a guy named Martin who’s doubled me in the last three movies”. Damon is always good at looking quizzical, and the earlier films used that quality to locate a quiet pathos in this otherwise badass character, a questioning vulnerability. “But I don’t mind being followed by this one, because I really like Jason Bourne”.

Oscar-winning actress Alicia Vikander has revealed that she was mistaken for a tourist when she arrived in Las Vegas to shoot scenes for Jason Bourne.

“We like each movies to feel like it’s the time of the year that it is made”, Matt said.

This plot strand brings the series into the twenty-first century, allowing Greengrass and co-screenwriter/long-time collaborator Christopher Rouse to question where we’re at in a post-Snowden, post-Wikileaks world. Matched against him are Alicia Vikander’s hotshot Central Intelligence Agency analyst (is she friend or foe?), Vincent Cassel’s cold-blooded killer and Tommy Lee Jones as the flinty director of the Central Intelligence Agency (and Bourne’s chief nemesis, following in the first-class footsteps of Chris Cooper, Brian Cox and David Strathairn in the original trilogy).


In an interview with Rappler for his upcoming movie, Jason Bourne, Matt said that taking on the character in the first movie, released in 2002, marked a shift in the kind of roles he would be offered.

MATT DAMON as Jason Bourne