
Watch Matt Damon Untangle the ‘Jason Bourne’ Series in 90 Seconds

Ahead of Friday’s release of Jason Bourne, Damon’s first time revisiting the titular role since 2007, the actor caught fans up on the franchise by very descriptively and humorously summing up the first three films in a new featurette. Uppercuts, jabs, head-blows, MMA-style ring fights – it’s a death match’s worth of melees as Bourne seeks to uncover the truth of his identity.


In hiding for years, Matt Damon’s Jason Bourne is up against a new program created to snuff him out.

“I still had to keep going to the gym with horrifying regularity to stay in shape, so that was the challenge, along with the long work hours”, he said, adding: “I was in shape for way longer than someone my age should be”. This time around, the antagonists at the government organization are represented in Heather Lee (Alicia Vikander), the agency’s new cyber expert; an unnamed Asset (Vincent Cassel) with a personal score to settle with Bourne, and Director Robert Dewey (Tommy Lee Jones), who wants the rogue agent captured at all costs.

Matt Damon stars as Jason Bourne.

Jason Bourne reunites Damon with The Bourne Supremacy and The Bourne Ultimatum director Paul Greengrass in a film set 12 years after the events of the latter film.


But the action scenes are good, and that’s all you ever really need out of a Bourne movie. And amazingly, it does a pretty impressive job of bringing audiences up to speed with Jason Bourne’s complicated saga so far. Frank Marshall again produces alongside Jeffrey Weiner for Captivate Entertainment, and Greengrass, Damon, Gregory Goodman and Ben Smith also produce.

Jason Bourne