
Watch Quake’s Original Designer Talk About Quake Champions’ New Characters

Last month during E3, id Software announced the latest Quake game that would be added to their portfolio: Quake Champions.


Quake Champions now doesn’t have a release date and its exclusivity to PC ensures blazingly high frame rates for hardcore arena shooter fans to enjoy. Willits tells us how Quake Champions not only captures the spirit of the original games but also brings the storied shooter into the modern era with the addition of Champions. Each of these characters have a special Active Ability that provides depth and improve team dynamics. Two new Champion have also been introduced with Nyx and Scale Bearer. It doesn’t sound like Quake really, even though its four revealed characters come straight from its past.


He goes on to discuss the game’s newest feature: Champions. Quake 1’s Ranger will have an active teleport. Visor has the ability of “Piercing Sight”, which allows him to see enemies through the wall and other barriers. What are your thoughts on the new Champions? She moves at a faster pace compared to other champions. Like some players are just plain simple offensive or defensive in nature, Quake Champions is created to fit player’s play style. And while id’s latest video doesn’t show how the game works in action, it does at least explain a little about how the classes operate. He is able to charge and ram its opponents using his “Bull Rush” ability. Quake Champions has no release date as of now, but is planned to be exclusive to Windows PC.

Quake Champions is more hero less arena shooter