
Watch The Redskins And Texans Get Into Four Huge Brawls During Practice

When the running back was stopped, all the lineman around started to push and shove until one Redskins player was tossed to the ground.


What’s the best way to end a three-day practice with a fellow NFL team?

One of the smallest players at Washington Redskins training camp is having one of the biggest impacts on the team. Additionally, a light rain fell during portions of the two hour practice so coaches were very wary of players slipping or legs getting tangled and someone getting hurt.

Scherff insisted he had no preference, coming across as malleable as a 320-pound block of Play-Doh.

We appreciate it when readers and people quoted in articles or blog posts point out errors of fact or emphasis and will investigate all assertions. “Unfortunately we lost a day to get better”.

Houston Texans linebacker Lynden Trail exercises after a joint NFL training camp with the Washington Redskins in Richmond, Va., Thursday, August 6, 2015.

The Redskins are so thin in the secondary that they asked natural wide receiver Quinton Dunbar to take a shot at switching to a defender. He added that every rookie has lulls but Moses was able to work hard on it and it’s just starting to pay off for him. Scherff is 23. The Texans play a much different style of defense than Washington.

Gruden was unperturbed, accentuating the positive.

“It’s football, things like that are going to happen”, Jackson said.

“Obviously, it wasn’t a good situation, but we missed an opportunity to get better today against a good team”. We just separated the practice. “You’re in close quarters”, Scherff said. “You win with your hands and feet”. Right now there is no reason to aggravate anything and as a result you see a lot of projected starters sitting out in order to get back at 100%. Three offensive touchdowns last season and a defensive score off an interception is evidence enough that he’ll continue his two-way role.

Scot McCloughan sounded the theme of toughness nearly from the moment he was introduced in January as the Redskins’ general manager. Could his return help Washington get back on track?

Sure it’s easier to find guards than tackles. Tackles work on the edge, more “in space;” the position demands explosiveness and athleticism, in addition to power, as well as a long-limbed reach. “The [Redskins are] wondering why the Texans are going so intensely”, said’s Tania Ganguli. The Houston Texans arrived and immediately you could feel the pulse of things here Richmond, here are Dave Owens takeaways from practice number seven.

The hard-hitting session was costly for two Redskins starters.


Grimes, four years removed from W&M, is fighting for playing time with the Texans, whether it be in the backfield or on special teams.

Washington quarterback Robert Griffin III makes time for adoring fans Saturday at Redskins training camp in Richmond Va