
Watch This GoPro Fall Into A Pit of Rattlesnakes

Uploaded by YouTuber Michael Delaney, the footage was shot out in the grasslands of Montana in the USA, where pairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis) thrive in the open, arid landscape, and congregate in the vacant dens of prairie dogs to survive the winter months.


Viewers with a fear of snakes may find this footage deeply unsettling. A quick strike from one of the snakes sent the camera tumbling into the pit with a crash. Delaney fished it out with a hockey stick and he had to clean venom off the camera.

Mr Delaney later used a hockey stick to get his camera back.

Did it happen too quickly for you to see?

What makes this video particularly unnerving is the rattling sound of multiple deadly snakes slithering around on the ground.

The video was posted October 9, and it already has over 1.3 million views.

Holden Rethwil said: ‘I peed my trousers just watching this…’


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