
Waze Helps Drivers Avoid Event Traffic

One of the biggest pains of both event organizers and attendees for major large-crowd activities like marathons and concerts and the likes is that traffic will definitely be insane and parking and drop off will be an annoying maze.


The idea is to provide them “custom access” to its resources, including its traffic management technology and communication channels. Stadiums, marathons and other event organizers can now add road closures to Waze’s crowdsourced map, as well as use the app to share road information like turn restrictions and lane reversals ahead of an event. Those interested in signing-up to the program can do so here. Today, this also includes the Waze Connected Citizens Program, which sees Waze working with municipal organizations; Waze for Broadcasters; and the Waze Transport SDK, which lets transport and other on-demand companies like Lyft integrate Waze with their own native applications.

Apart from giving information about road closures to its users, Waze will also inform about available parking spots so that participants don’t have to spend a lot of time finding a place to park their cars.


Waze is an awesome app for helping you avoid traffic delays and traffic jams, however it’s not always accurate – such as during events, for example. But now they are launching a Global Event Partner Program that will make it easier for organizers to partner with Waze. For its launch, Waze says it has brought on board 20 partners around the world, including the Rock “n” Roll Marathon events in New York, Montreal, Mexico City, Madrid, and elsewhere. This would help Waze gather live data, allowing it to improve its network.

Waze partners with marathons and other events to route you around road closures