
WBUR Poll: Trump Leads With NH Republicans

“A chilly if not frigid reception for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in her second quest for the White House”, Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll said in a statement.


Thursday marks exactly 100 days until the SC primary for Democratic candidates.

Jeb Bush found himself tied at nine percent with retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who slid out of the top three.

Clinton’s tumble in trustworthiness ratings and poor standing in Colorado could prove to be quite problematic for her campaign, should such voter sentiments spread to other swing states.

The poll – a year before the general election – represents a snapshot in time, rather than a reliable indicator of how Colorado will vote in November 2016.

In Florida, a Florida Atlantic University statewide survey finds that Clinton lags behind the GOP front-runners Donald Trump, 50-41 percent and Ben Carson, 49-41 percent.

Clinton loses to the billionaire real estate mogul by eleven percentage points in Colorado, with just 37% to Trump’s 48%.

Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton might have a mountain to climb in Colorado, according to a new poll.

The latest numbers show Rubio leading Clinton 52 percent to 36 percent, a 16-point margin. Also, 32 percent of Republicans said they “definitely not” support Trump. 38 percent also said the US should send more troops to the Middle East while 28 percent said troop levels in the region should stay where they are.


The survey under-represented Democratic and unaffiliated voters, compared to state registration figures – which may help explain Clinton’s below-average performance in the poll. Cruz holds a 13-point advantage and Trump registered an 11-point edge.

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