
We are at war with IS, not Islam

Many Americans have seen France as a country that wasn’t supportive, bordering on antagonistic, as the USA waged wars against radical Islamists on several fronts following the 9/11 attacks. A few of them might be rabid, he said, which was reason to keep them all out.


In the meantime, the global Muslim discourse wielded by the AKP, combined with its neo-Ottoman rhetoric, is finding more and more of a fan base amongst European youths of Turkish origin.

The Paris attacks and ISIS’ claim of bringing down a Russian passenger jet over Egypt last month have underscored the extremist group’s desire to expand the reach of its terror.

Jeb Bush: “Radical Islamic terrorism“.

Mohamed, a 28-year-old PhD student, sees the government’s announcements as “expected at this delicate time” but warns that a “balance should be made between security and freedom, and not a choice between the two”. Immigrants are forced to live in the neglected, low-income housing on the outskirts of cities, permission to build mosques is incredibly hard to acquire, and Muslim burial grounds are nearly non-existent in many places.

Similarly, we experienced the “Arab spring” of only four years ago, when it seemed that the Middle East would go West culturally.

However, the comments from Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Sen. “It doesn’t mean that you hate all dogs by any stretch of the imagination, but you’re putting your intellect into motion”.

Muslim reaction to the latest massacre has been more clear-cut than after the January extremist attacks in Paris. In one particularly vivid example, Sid Miller (R) – the elected agriculture commissioner in Texas – likened Syrian refugees to rattlesnakes.

The simmering conflicts in this region often escape attention in the USA, which has been more focused on wars further east in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

And Hillary Clinton’s top political patron, entertainment titan Haim Saban, called for “more scrutiny” of Muslims for ties to terrorism. Never does any candidate talk about Islam in general. The number of Muslims participating in deadly terrorist plots on US soil is incredibly small.

The suspects appeared to be “prepared to act” in another possible attack, Paris Prosecutor Francois Molins said, noting their weaponry, structured organization and determination.

Sartori said Muslims have a duty to show that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism. “There may be other candidates who want to do that”.

Hollande is also going to Washington and Moscow next week to push for a stronger worldwide coalition against Islamic State fighters. Gandhi once infamously remarked, “Those who try to separate religion from politics understand neither religion nor politics”. Cruz introduced a bill that would bar refugees from five countries, including Syria, with an exception carved out for groups that were victims of genocide.

“The terrorists are traitors to their own faith, trying, in effect, to hijack Islam itself”, the president said. “The enemy of America is not our many Muslim friends….” It then featured video clips of former President George W. Bush arguing that the USA isn’t at war with Islam. “This is against all the teachings of Islam”.

“We have tasted death for many years”, Iraqi Samara al-Qaisi wrote on Facebook.

“We can not allow terrorists to intimidate us into abandoning our values”, she said.

She says it’s a message of unity and solidarity; that members of the association are both French and Muslim, not one or the other.


But public opinion is not with her. The same Bloomberg poll released this week showed that 53 percent of Americans and 69 percent of Republicans opposed accepting any Syrian refugees at all.

I stand with Muslim Paris in the face of terrorism