
We Happy Few Enters Early Access on Steam, GOG, and Xbox One

The time is upon fans of the plucky BioShock-like game We Happy Few to finally get their hands on some long-awaited gameplay. It’s relatively easy – to the point of being cliché – to build a world around what we’re going to refer to here as Hollywood dystopia.


The game made some waves at E3 this year for its apparent narrative chops.

We Happy Few is set in a dystopian version of England during 1964; in this alternate timeline the Soviet Union went to war with England.

The ultimate goal in We Happy Few will be to escape Wellington Wells, but there’s a time limit to be able to do that – after too many days have passed, the social structure will collapse rendering the escape impossible.

Character storylines are not fully-implemented yet and the game now lacks some of its promised features, although the Steam listing states that more features will become available closer to the game’s release.

Just released on Steam today, We Happy Few has entered its Early Access stage and is available for a modest price of £22.99. If you take too much Joy, Arthur will forget his aim and the game will end.

The game will be in Early Access for approximately 6 – 12 months.


In other We Happy Few news, it turns out you can complete the game in about 30 seconds so if you want to know how to do that, check out the handy video below.

We happy few