
We Have Our First Lawsuit Over Ted Cruz’s Eligibility

“Sen. Rubio is a natural born citizen of the United States and he is eligible to be president of the United States”, it concludes.


Ted Cruz eligible to be president of the United States? It could have a major impact on the Cruz campaign, which ranks second, behind Trump, in most major polls.

Cruz is as American as anybody born on US soil.

Cruz shot back at Trump’s attack at Thursday’s GOP debate claiming Trump wasn’t concerned until Cruz’s recent surge, polling No. 2 nationally.

Schwartz said he has no partisan motivation in filing the suit and is eligible to do so as a USA voter. The Texas Republican also had Canadian citizenship until he renounced it in 2014. And I think you can’t just use the Constitution as a reference manual.

After the column appeared, McManamon has appeared on cable news networks CNN and MSNBC, in the Wall Street Journal and on numerous smaller websites and radio stations. Billionaire real estate developer Donald Trump posed the question of what would happen if Cruz were declared ineligible after winning the nomination.

He cried, “Who the hell knows if you can even serve in office”. “You can’t have the question hanging over your head”.

Cruz responded that that Trump was incorrect. But the facts and law here are really quite clear.

Cruz, who is favored by some polls to win the Iowa caucuses in February, was born of an American mother and a Cuban father in Calgary, in the province of Alberta, Canada, in 1970. “Natural born citizen” has never been defined”. The rambling 28-page complaint brings all sorts of seemingly unrelated issues, including the Texas abortion case the Supreme Court will hear in March, the case it recently heard on public unions’ fee structures and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s call for a Constitutional Convention.

Trump has employed this political tactic before, notoriously questioning President Barack Obama’s natural citizenship and demanding to see his long-form birth certificate.

As a precaution, the Senate unanimously adopted a resolution recognizing McCain as a natural citizen.

But she says Trump is an imperfect messenger to push the idea that Cruz is ineligible.

Many agree that the definition of a natural born citizen – a constitutional requirement for seeking the presidency – remains muddled.


The overwhelming weight of legal scholarship is on Cruz’s side. Trump is probably right that should Cruz be elected as the Republican nominee-or as Trump’s vice president, to quote the scenario cited by Trump himself Thursday-Democrats will likely mount a legal challenge to Cruz’s candidacy.

Here’s How Ted Cruz Makes Donald Trump Look Acceptable