
We will destroy IS: Obama

It’s “absolutely false” that “we are somehow at war with an entire religion”, he said.


During the same meeting, Obama rejected ISIS’ claim that the United States is at war with Islam. “But overwhelmingly, Americans say the United States and its allies are losing the war against ISIS and the poll shows bipartisan support for sending additional ground troops to fight the Islamic militants in Iraq and Syria”.

The fact that the Islamic State is now claiming responsibility for the horrific slaughtering of innocent civilians in the French capital puts even a more serious face on things, one that threatens our civilization and demands urgency.

U.S. President Barack Obama toughened his rhetoric against ISIS at a weekend press conference in Malaysia that concluded his nine-day trip overseas. Obama said it “would be helpful” if Russian Federation directed its focus on tackling Islamic State and he hoped Moscow would agree to a leadership transition in Syria that meant its president stepping down.

Obama missed his chance in 2012 to aid thousands of moderate Syrian Sunni fighters, including many army defectors, who might have developed into a viable force to repel both Islamic State and Bashar Assad.

The United National Security Council (UNSC) unanimously adopted a resolution Friday, calling for global anti-terrorism efforts against the Islamic State group.

More than 600 terrorists have been killed in the last 48 hours, Russia’s Defence Ministry says. Army Col. Steve Warren, a USA military spokesman in Baghdad, said in an email exchange that the vehicles were oil tanker trucks and that the attack was part of the broader oil targeting campaign. They mostly fled to neighboring states, such as Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq, but recently, some of them have been making their way over to Western nations. ABC News has that and Obama’s reaction. Hammond made it clear that he sees signs that Russian Federation had indeed turned its fire in Syria on ISIS last week.

“They can’t beat us on the battlefield, so they try to terrorize us into being afraid, and changing our patterns of behavior, and panicking, and abandoning our allies and partners, and retreating from the world”, Obama said.

“I think we need to restore the metadata program”, Jeb Bush said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”. So far, Obama is resisting calls to significantly escalate his approach, and instead is focused on getting other countries to offer more counterintelligence, humanitarian and military assistance.

And 49 percent responded that it was “very likely” that at least one person coming into the country through the process would be a terrorist who will succeed in carrying out an attack on USA soil. To strike a deal, Americans and Russians must settle on a common priority: Is defeating ISIS the first order of business, or does that go to ousting the Assad government in Damascus. We sent shiploads back to the camps because we were scared that Nazi spies could hide in their midst (which was not an entirely unfounded concern). The paper based its conclusions on data that it received from the United States Air Force Central Command. While Putin says his country is targeting the Islamic State militants, the USA contends Moscow is going after rebels fighting Assad, a Kremlin ally whom the US wants pushed out. “I don’t understand this strategy at all because this is what has allowed ISIS the advantage and ability to recruit”, Royce fumed. “Despite USA strikes being the most precise in the history of warfare, conducting strike operations in the heavily populated areas where ISIL hides certainly presents challenges”. But we’re supposed to believe it’s the Republicans undermining the freedom-fighting efforts. “This fight against ISIL is not the kind of fight from previous decades”.

“If we let Putin appear as the real ally of France, it will be the end of Europe”, Letta said. “The Russians want to protect their strategic assets as long as they can”.


“It is worth us remembering when we look at the statistics that there are handsome, wonderful lives behind the awful death tolls we see in these places”, he said.

Russia unleashes cruise missiles from the Caspian Sea at targets across Syria