
Weather Talk: Moon walk anniversary

The mission’s third member, air force Lt. Col. Michael Collins stayed behind on the Columbia, orbiting the moon and waiting for his partners to board again for the journey home. The voices of Armstrong and Aldrin inside and outside the Lunar Module indicating their position resonated until these days. And this was a big achievement in the history of space.


Considered as the most important event of the 20 century, the moon landing has been subjected to a lot of speculations as a hoax and that it never happened despite all the TV footages that proved it otherwise.

Each of the new minerals arrived at their names in different ways.

In 1961, during the Cold War, President John F. Kennedy addressed Congress to share his vision of space exploration for the United States. At least 600 million people saw the moon landing photos, and a number of technical difficulties were faced by scientists at that time.

Moon Landing – Apollo 11 ” OK, i´m going to step off the LEM (Lunar Module) now.


Twenty minutes later, having switched on cameras fitted to the module, Armstrong stepped down onto the Moon’s surface, uttering the memorable line: “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”. “We came in peace for all mankind”, according to NASA. They safely splashed down in the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii on July 24. “Bringing Armstrong’s spacesuit back not only helps honour the accomplishments of a generation who brought us from Earth to the Moon in less than nine years, it also inspires the next generation of bold space explorers”.

Celebrate the Lunar Landing with Out of This World Tank Combat