
Webb Dropping Out Shows “Traditional Democratic Party Has Come And Gone”

Webb also expressed outright frustration with the Democratic Party during his run, questioning its strategy and the support they were providing him. Ralph Nader’s run in 2000 arguably cost Democrat Al Gore Florida and the presidency in 2000.


Webb later told reporters he had “no doubt if I ran as an independent, we would have significant financial help”, and expressed his confidence that he could beat Clinton and Trump.

Really, Jim Webb has never been a particularly good fit for the Democratic party.

“Before I say I want to [run as an independent], I want to see what voters have to say”, said Webb.

Ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton continues to lead the pack followed by Vermont Sen. “That is what the party has done throughout small towns and rural America”.

“The first was the invasion of Iraq, which destabilized ethnic elements in Iraq and empowered Iran”, said Webb, who has always been an opponent of the US invasion in 2003. “In an era when partisanship has sorted Democrats and Republicans into relatively homogenous ideological groups, Webb is not easy to pin down”. Webb’s most prominent success in Congress was successfully introducing and passing legislation that expanded G.I. Bill of Rights benefits for ex-service members. Today, the former Senator of Virginia and Secretary of the Navy, Jim Webb, announced that he will be taking his name out of the race.

But the former one-term senator struggled to raise interest in his candidacy over the three months since he launched his campaign, polling at 1 percent in the most recent Washington Post/ABC News survey and maintaining a scant campaign schedule, with few campaign events in early-voting states. Bernie Sanders. In last week’s debate, Webb spent much of his time complaining he wasn’t getting enough time (something lampooned this past weekend by actor Alec Baldwin on Saturday Night Live). Theyre increasingly out of step with the people theyre supposed to serve.”Webb said numerous issues that he cares about are not in line with the hierarchy of the Democratic party, saying he did not have a “clear, exact fit” in either party.

“More people in this country call themselves political independents than Republicans or Democrats”. “He represents, I think, more of the general population”.


In addition to his candidacy, Webb will discuss “the campaign and his views of the political parties in the current (2016) election cycle”, the statement said.

Reports: Jim Webb to drop out of Democratic race for president