
Wednesday speech could clarify Trump’s immigration policy

Johnson says on “Fox News Sunday” that his polling numbers are rising and that his campaign is spending money in many states.


Trump finally hit the airwaves earlier this month with an ad focused on immigration, and so far has only spent about $5 million.

Her lead continued to grow as Trump made a string of hateful and weird comments, including insulting the Muslim-American parents of a fallen USA soldier, questioning why the US should hold up its North Atlantic Treaty Organisation obligations, dragging his feet in endorsing House Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) re-election bid and encouraging Russian officials to hack into Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Indeed, just when it seems that Trump is starting to act more presidential, such as giving serious foreign policy speeches, he then ruins those gains by making off-the-cuff and offensive remarks.

That stance had aroused criticism from conservatives who wanted him to stand fast after he won the Republican presidential nomination in large part with a hard-line position that called for building a wall along the US border with Mexico.

The Democratic nominee’s lead over Donald Trump has shrunk to just three percentage points, a poll out Sunday showed.

A recent national poll revealed Hillary Clinton’s lead against Donald Trump has gotten smaller.

Surrogates speak for and back up their presidential nominee. “Look at where Hillary Clinton is”. Trump’s latest effort includes promoting debunked conspiracy theories about the health of #Hillary Clinton. “But the reality remains that Trump’s agenda echoes the extreme right’s will – one that is fueling a risky movement of hatred across the country”.

The Indiana governor also sought to distinguish Trump’s position from Clinton’s. “It is going to be tough”, Pence told CNN’s “State of the Union”.

Native-born children of immigrants, even those living illegally in the US, have been automatically considered American citizens since the adoption of the 14th Amendment in 1868.

Pence also could not definitively say whether Trump was sticking with his vow to remove those living in the US illegally, with the help of a deportation force.

“Well, what you heard him describe there, in his usual plainspoken, American way, was a mechanism, not a policy”.

Trump said his first priority on taking office next January would be the immediate deportation of thousands of undocumented immigrants who remain in the United States despite having committed crimes.


While Clinton now enjoys a comfortable lead in the polls, ahead of Trump, the latest scandal could hurt the Democratic candidate, experts said.
