
Weld defends Libertarian running mate Gary Johnson on Aleppo gaffe

While Trump wishes to create a wall to block those seeking a better life from entering the country, Clinton seeks to create economic walls to perpetuate the advantages of the haves over the have nots. It’s definitely affecting how voters view Clinton and Trump and it’s not good for either. Johnson could have provided a stabilizing voice in a battle of fire and ice, but now he’s likely to be little more than a convenient distraction for the two main candidates.


Johnson is a successful entrepreneur turned public servant.

A new poll shows 76 percent of voters want third party candidates like Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein represented in the upcoming televised presidential debates.

Two elections later in the year 2000, the Commission for Presidential Debates established a rule that a candidate needed to garner 15% support in an average of five national polls to be included on the debate stage. Johnson is averaging 9 percent in Real Clear Politics’ polling average. “The Republican and Democratic nominees for President are leaving millions of Americans unrepresented in this election, and the time is right for us to make our voices heard”.

“I don’t know how important the presidential debates will be in the total outcome of the election”.

The Libertarian party last achieved the nationwide feat in 1996 with candidate Harry Browne. Perot ended up capturing 19 percent of the vote that November. He tried again in 1996 with the Reform Party that he created and got 8.5 percent of the Iowa vote.

Libertarians and Greens made up fewer than 2 percent of all registered voters in California as of June. That’s a message that would resonate more strongly with manufacturers if he weren’t a third-party candidate with no chance of being elected president. But any possibility of a Johnson surge just disappeared.

Johnson went on to say that while he served as New Mexico’s governor, “there were many things I didn’t know off the top of my head”.

“It shows that Johnson is taking votes from both Trump and Clinton”, he said.

“Gov. Weld and I are grateful and excited to have the support of the Independence Party of NY”, he said. The private sector does, but I think I mightily contributed… in bringing about a more level playing field”.

The third-party candidates also remain largely unknown. Another poll said 52 percent wanted Johnson in.

Clinton asked at a news conference about Johnson’s remarks, laughed and quipped, “You can look on the map and find Aleppo”. He switched his party affiliation in 2011 when he made a decision to run for president.

Most troubling of all was Trump’s renewed endorsement for Vladimir Putin, in spite of the mounting evidence that the Russian government is attempting to directly interfere in the US election campaign. But it turns out Johnson’s domestic knowledge is equally weak. She supports guaranteed access to housing, health care, food and water, a federal $15 an hour minimum wage, abolishing student loan debt and cutting military spending by at least 50 percent while closing overseas military bases.


Whether or not Johnson knows it, foreign affairs are a huge part of the campaign this year.

Libertarian vice presidential nominee Bill Weld