
Weld wins Libertarian nomination for VP

Johnson spoke a bit about what he’d like to achieve if he were elected president. Delegates voted a second time, giving Johnson the majority he needed (55.8 percent).


“Now that he has the nomination, I think we’ll see him in more polls, but be careful what you wish for”, Miringoff said.

The Libertarian party have made their nomination this year.

The former governor was also the Libertarian nominee in 2012, when he received about one percent of the general election vote, CNN said. Convention-goers have taken issue in particular with Trump’s stated positions on immigration, global trade and national security – all of which stand in firm opposition to a party that tends to favor lax immigration restrictions, free trade and is skeptical of military intervention.

The Libertarian ticket will also have the distinct advantage of being on all 50 state ballots in November, Johnson says. And then, Bill Weld is my running mate.

“I am fiscally conservative in spades and I am socially liberal in spades”, Johnson told the AP news agency. He hopes to capitalize on the dissatisfaction with the presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump and the likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. “I’m it.” The candidate for the vice presidency is to be Weld, a well-respected former MA governor who raised tens of thousands of dollars for former Republican candidate Mitt Romney’s presidential runs.

The striptease appeared to be the result of a dare with the man heard saying, “I’m sorry, that was a dare”, after finishing the dance, adding that he would immediately pull out of the race.

Mike Knebel is a former state central committeeman with the Libertarian Party of Nebraska, who now serves as the First Congressional District coordinator. This means that the Libertarian candidates have more executive government experience and so are arguably better qualified than either the Democratic or the Republican nominee!

Weld said even if they don’t take the White House, they can still win in other ways.


A recent national poll had Johnson receiving 10 percent of support from registered voters, drawing his strongest support from respondents under 35. On the second round balloting however, Johnson secured victory. I think government tries to do too much and in the process it taxes us too much.

Gary Johnson: Polls & Chances in a General Election