
West Nile virus case confirmed in Miss

State environmental officials say they did not find West Nile virus in the latest round of mosquito tests in Rhode Island.


The health unit conducts an adult mosquito surveillance program using carbon dioxide bated light traps at 18 different locations throughout Hastings and Prince Edward Counties.

The MSDH only reports laboratory-confirmed cases to the public. “So this is the time of year to be extremely vigilant when going outdoors”, MSDH state epidemiologist Dr. Thomas Dobbs said.

Certain species of mosquitoes carry West Nile.

In 2014, the state had 43 West Nile virus cases; seven people died in Mississippi from the illness.

In previous years, WNV has been reported from all parts of the state.

“All Mississippians are potentially at risk – not just the areas where cases are reported”, the MSDH said on its website. When transmitted to people, it can cause West Nile encephalitis, an infection that can result in an inflammation of the brain.

Virus symptoms include fever, nausea, headache, rash, vomiting, swollen lymph nodes and muscle weakness.

Remove all sources of standing water around your home and yard to prevent mosquito breeding.


County officials said Monday the infected mosquitoes were found in residential areas of Silver Spring and Dickinson townships.

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