
West Nile Virus confirmed in Tarpon Springs chicken

Nassau County reports one positive sample so far, collected July 3 in Kings Point, a spokeswoman said Friday.


West Nile virus is transmitted to humans and animals through a mosquito bite.

The health department said that floodwater or nuisance mosquitoes most people notice during rainy conditions typically do not carry West Nile virus.

The mosquito batch was collected Wednesday by Will County Environmental Health staff and confirmed positive on Thursday.

On Wednesday, public health officials announced that Colorado’s first diagnosed human case of West Nile had been detected in Mesa County.

Since the arrival of West Nile virus to California in 2003, 4,805 people across the state have contracted the disease; 176 of those cases were fatal, according to the vector control district.

Encouraged by the recent heavy rains, and the pools of standing water they produce, mosquitoes may be coming out in force soon.

– Keep children’s wading pools empty and on their sides when they aren’t being used.

England battles Erie County’s mosquito problems by directing the spraying of VectoLex, an insecticide that kills mosquito larvae, into standing pools of water. Individuals, especially those 50 years of age or older, or those with compromised immune systems, who are most at risk, are urged to take precautions to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes. People with milder illnesses typically recover on their own, although symptoms may last for several weeks or months.

– Wear EPA-registered mosquito repellents whenever mosquitoes are present and follow label instructions.


Lastly, one positive mosquito pool was collected in the Okaloosa area. Keep your screens repaired.

South Park in Quincy