
West Nile Virus Detected in City Mosquitos –

The South Heartland District Health Department is reporting that mosquitoes recently trapped in Webster County have tested positive for West Nile Virus.


Dallas also says that while the insecticide is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency for treatment, residents in the affected area should avoid contact with the spray by staying indoors.

Last year, there were 12 reported human cases of West Nile Neuroinvasive Disease-cases of West Nile that resulted in encephalitis, meningitis, or severe muscle weakness associated with the disease-three cases of mild to moderate West Nile fever, and 7 blood donors whose blood tested positive for the disease, though they never had any symptoms.

In Dallas, to report standing water or mosquito problems city residents should call 3-1-1.

“We urge everyone to take simple precautions to protect you and your family”, said Health Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett. From buckets to swimming pools, he scoops-up mosquito larvae from stagnant water and tests the bugs. A small number develop a serious illness that can lead to neurological damage.

Not everyone infected with West Nile virus will become ill, the Health Department notes. Last year, seven West Nile virus positive birds were identified in El Dorado County. However, about 20% of infected individuals may experience flu-like symptoms that could include fever and a rash, according to Mayo Clinic.

Weather permitting, the area described below is scheduled for mosquito control spraying on Tuesday and Wednesday, both between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m.


The positive mosquito sample in southeast Tarrant County was collected in the area around Grimsley Gibson Road.

First human case of West Nile Virus this year story image