
West Nile virus detected in mosquitoes in Md

In 2014, Mississippi had 43 WNV cases and seven deaths. Don’t miss a thing.


Please refer to the latest WNV statistics page.

The kinds of mosquitoes that typically carry the virus are more often found in urban and suburban areas, Dorothy said.

“West Nile virus activity is definitely picking up”, said Susanne Kluh, the District’s Director of Scientific Technical Services. Residents are most at risk from June through September.

Meanwhile, UF/IFAS researchers continue to study ways to nip the virus in the bud and monitor its spread.

Avoid outdoor activity or use extra caution in the early morning and early evening hours, when mosquitoes are most active.

Dead birds play an important role in maintaining and spreading WNV, which is why vector control encourages the public to report dead birds.

Health officials say those with a weak immune system are at the greatest risk to develop symptoms. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an “epidemic” is defined as “the occurrence of more cases of disease than expected in a given area or among a specific group of people over a particular period of time”. A dry spell may also help, since mosquitoes breed in standing water, he said. “With mosquito activity at its peak, we encourage the public to take steps to protect themselves and their families from coming into contact with these pests”.


REPEL – When outdoors, wear shoes and socks, long trousers and a long-sleeved shirt, and apply insect repellent that contains DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus or IR 3535, according to label instructions. Anyone who believes they, or someone they know, has West Nile virus should consult a healthcare provider for evaluation and diagnosis. Symptoms include high fever, headache, neck stiffness, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, and/or disorientation. These symptoms may last several weeks, and neurological effects may be permanent. Still, the virus can cause serious illness in some people, especially those older than 50 years old.

First West Nile case confirmed in Atlanta, Georgia