Share News: In death, Nebraska girl helps Pennsylvania boys live on

“It’s a tumor that centralizes in her brain stem and unfortunately there is a zero percent survival rate”, Olivia’s mother, Lauressa Swedberg, told KETV.


“When I was in Orlando, a lady emailed me and said she had been following Lucas’ story and knew he needed a liver transplant”, Lauressa Swedberg, Olivia’s mother, said.

“It’s still the very beginning stages for Lucas”, said Jess Goeller, “he still has a lot to overcome”.

Lucas had been on a waiting list for a liver for 1½ years. Lamar Advertising donated 25 electronic billboards to Lucas, and his family frequently updated his condition on a Facebook page and website, hoping the publicity would reach a family in a position to donate to him. They took her on a Disney cruise and that is where her condition deteriorated rapidly. Lucas, a little boy who lives in the Pittsburgh area, had only a few weeks to live and they contacted Olivia’s family. The process is called directed donation.

“Social media is incredible”, she said.

Nationwide, organs from deceased donors were directed to specific recipients in at least 612 instances, 98 of them involving livers, from 2008 to 2012. “I feel so grateful because I now know that she was here for a objective – to save others”. When they learned of two Pennsylvania boys in desperate need of new organs they arranged direct donations.


And even if their ealier blood stream varieties you should not meet, the medical experts always start heart transplant which typically begun Wednesday whole night and prepared efficiently by Thursday Morning. Dr. Mazariegos said Angelo also was doing well after his operation. “We just drove straight…to the hospital”, Mrs. Goeller said. Olivia had been diagnosed with a terminal disease but her organs went on to help other children.

Angelo Giorno