
WH Dismisses Benghazi Report as Taxpayer Funded Effort to Take Down Hillary

“A lot of people say they’re not going to vote this November because their candidate didn’t win; Well, I know some people who won’t be voting this year either”, Geist says as he walks through a cemetery in the ad. “Hillary as President?”


“Officials at the State Department, including Secretary Clinton, learned nearly in real time that the attack in Benghazi was a terrorist attack”, Jordan and Pompeo wrote.

While the investigation has closed, it’s unlikely Clinton will escape further scrutiny entirely, especially if Donald Trump’s speech last week was any indicator.

She also says the new Benghazi Committee reports out this week do not provide anything new. Clinton, speaking in Denver, said it was crucial to “learn the right lessons” from the tragedy but added that it was “time to move on”.

“We are now convinced, contrary to the administration’s public claim that the military did not have time to get to Benghazi, that the administration never launched men or machines to help directly in the fight”, the report reads.

US military leaders told the committee they thought an evacuation was imminent, slowing any response.

On Tuesday, the House Select Committee on Benghazi released its report on the attack, which faults the Obama administration for its actions before, during and after the terrorist assault that killed four Americans.

On Tuesday, Clinton’s campaign dismissed the committee’s report, saying it had not found anything that had not been discovered by previous congressional probes. The FBI owes it to the nation to give us their best case and let the proverbial chips fall where they may.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton put politics above truth and the safety of besieged USA personnel in Benghazi, Libya, according to a Republican Congressman.

Still, Republicans point to Benghazi as a major failure by the administration and by Clinton during her tenure leading the State Department.

Yet, even as Mrs Clinton seemed eager to press forward, she must still contend with the fallout from the committee’s most significant, if inadvertent, discovery: that she exclusively used a private e-mail server during her four years as secretary of state. Its report contains dozens of pages on the now-famous early statements from the administration implying the attacks were motivated by Arab-world reaction to an anti-Islamic video on the Internet.

The panel’s chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said the report “is not about one person”.


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House Republicans fault US military response to Benghazi