
What a Big Mac Does to Your Body

The graphic concludes by advising diners to only indulge in Big Macs occasionally, stating that the ingredients can cause serious harm to your body, especially when consuming them on a regular basis.


A Big Mac sits at a table at McDonalds February 8, 2006 in New York City.

“You’ve probably heard about studies carried out on fast food and the ingredients, chemicals and additives they contain”.

The website has unveiled a timeline infographic explaining exactly what process your body goes through one hour after eating one of the specials from the Golden Arches.

A new infographic released by the website Fast Food Menu Price breaks down what they claim happens to the body after consumption of the McDonald’s signature sandwich, the Big Mac.

The 540-calorie Big Mac will instantly raise your blood sugar to abnormal levels.

It adds more the already extensive picture of the dangers of fast food on your health, possibly paving the way to diabetes. At this point, your body has lost control of your blood sugar, which will then make you crave more fast food. The carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, lowering its levels, insulin increases, and your body will demand more glucose in order to keep balance, which could come in the form of yet another meal.

The sodium levels in a Big Mac (970 milligrams) are also a cause for concern, since the amount in one Big Mac is 42 percent of the daily recommended salt limit. With symptoms that closely mimic those of hunger, it’s easy for dehydration to trick you into thinking you need to eat more food. The high amounts of salt will increase your blood pressure, but it should be noted that it’s temporary. “This was useful when food was less plentiful and less energy dense, but today makes it more likely we will overeat”, Dr Joanna Mcmillan said.

Ms Tew said: “It says that the Big Mac bun has high levels of fructose corn syrup and sodium [and] both [items] are addictive”.

60 minutes in and your body realises oh crap, it’s going to take a while to digest this big boy. However, hamburgers take a lot more time to digest because they are greasier. Big Macs contain 1.5 grams of this, and studies show it can lead to obesity, cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

And that’s before you’ve swigged down a Diet Coke to go with it. It can take up to three days. “Everyone’s body has a different blood sugar and insulin response”, she says.

The adenosine receptors in your brain are now blocked preventing drowsiness.

[Related story: Here’s what happens to your body when you stop eating].

This is compounded by high doses of sugar and artificial sweeteners also increasing the urinary excretion of calcium.

This is physically the same way heroin works, by the way.


It is now assured that you’ll evacuate the bonded calcium, magnesium and zinc that was headed to your bones as well as sodium, electrolyte and water.

From CNN Wire