
What Joe Biden is doing to figure out whether he’s running

“It’s a campaign we know he will win”, the letter says.


Biden, whom Butterfield called a “longtime friend of the CBC”, shook hands and took selfies with members of the caucus and their guests but did not take questions from the audience or deliver any remarks, offering no clues as to whether he is any closer to a decision on seeking the presidency.

Maa replied he would be happy to raise funds for Biden but that donors were becoming impatient as the vice president deliberates. “Time is precious”, Maa said. The letter’s significance goes beyond a simple declaration of support. Biden needs to enter before or else he appears “opportunistic”.

The Vice President might be known for his verbal gaffes, but he proved quite popular at a September steelworkers rally, when the sprightly 72-year-old exuberantly jogged through the crowd of supportive well-wishers, who were urging him to join the race for president.

At the closing ceremony of the China-U.S. Climate Leaders Summit in Los Angeles, Biden said: “There is no obvious reason why the USA and China can be competitors or enemies…”

As he considers a late entrance into the 2016 presidential race, Biden has started to speak out more directly against the Republican candidates he would face if he won his party’s nomination.

Biden has sent conflicting signals about his intentions.

President Barack Obama won Ohio and Michigan in both 2008 and 2012. The vice president’s office said it would not comment on the letter. The White House said Obama and Xi planned to discuss the outcome of the summit, which aims to build pressure on other major polluters as climate negotiators rush to finish a major global climate treaty ahead of a United Nations summit in December in Paris.

The tarnished image of the former first lady seems to have some Democrats looking for a better alternative.

Official investigations into her use of a private email server as secretary of state will ensure that the story will remain in the news into next year, despite her belated semi-apology this month.

Biden last visited Detroit for in May to attend an NAACP gathering. Neither Clinton, nor U.S. Sen.

“The American people are with us”. The report says half of the world’s marine life has been lost since 1970, and that if the temperature continues to rise at its current rate, the ocean will become too warm for coral reefs by 2050. It has hired operatives in all three states.

Recent polls suggest that those who are abandoning Hillary Clinton back Biden for president, according to CNN.


While he largely stuck to the topic of climate change, Biden wryly referred to the speculation over his political ambitions.

Vice President Joe Biden has decided to run for president according to a Wall Street Journal report and he will make his announcement before the first democratic debate Sept. 18 2015