
What Maisie Williams aka Arya Stark has to say about ‘GOT’

Game of Thrones sixth season debuts on Sunday (24Apr16).


Now the pay-per-view network have confirmed there will be a seventh Game of Thrones season, although they are yet to announce how many episodes will be in it. This means that even if you aren’t an HBO subscriber, you’ll be able to tune in to the channel at 9 p.m. EDT and watch the Season 6 premiere episode for free.

If you aren’t a fan of spoilers then definitely do not go any further as we take closer look at the images from “The Red Woman”.

Let’s see how many shocking twists and turns await us in this 10 week journey through time! Wonder what that could be about? Who knows? But season five left Melisandre near Jon Snow at the time of his murder, looking for a way to redeem herself and her powers – which include creating life (Who can forget the thing she gave “birth” to in season two?). Jamie was caught, but he eventually persuaded the King of Dorne to let Mrycella return with him.

Cersei Lannister’s Spotfy playlist skews pop, featuring hits by Ariana Grande, Madonna, Cheryl Cole, and Whitney Houston, while Robert Baratheon’s country-tinged playlist is filled with tracks by Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Allman Brothers, Kid Rock, and Florida Georgia Line. Assuming this is where she learns about the what happened to her daughter.

Meanwhile, Ramsay is reeling over the death of Myranda (Charlotte Hope). A quick whip around The Verge’s offices this morning found that a taste for pop-punk got you paired withBran Stark (and the fitting motto: “I won’t yield”), while those that enjoyed shimmer pop were told deep down they were Daenerys Targaryen (she is shimmery, I guess).

I’m honestly terrified that Jon is going to stay dead. She became a queen, raised some dragons and now she’s back alone in the desert possibly a slave to horse people.

Brienne’s latest mission was to find Sansa Stark and protect her, in honor of her vow to Sansa’s mother and Jamie.


The season six of “Game of Thrones” will air in India on Star World Premiere HD on April 26.

A scene from Game of Thrones episode 24 with actress Sophie Turner