
What’s Going on With the Iran Deal?

A new CNN/ORC poll finds 59% of Americans disapprove of the way Obama is handling the US relationship with Iran, and about half would have preferred Congress reject the deal.


Majority Leader Mitch McConnell plans to attach some amendments to the resolution, including language that would force Iran to recognize Israel and free the 4 hostages being held by the Iranian regime. Congress has the potential to exhibit its best qualities here in a pursuit for nuclear nonproliferation.

The second vote was not the final word in the Senate. Meanwhile, “this debate will continue”, McConnell said.

Iran has said repeatedly that those allegations are groundless and based on malicious intelligence provided by its enemies, but has agreed to help clear them up. Given Iran’s history, they are likely to do something soon that is going to make those Senators who support the deal run for cover.

The effort to end debate over legislation to send a resolution of disapproval on the deal to President Barack Obama’s desk failed by a vote of 56-42. 64 percent of Americans – that’s a lot of Democrats as well as Republicans think the United States should take military action if Iran cheats on that deal.

Congressional Democrats who backed President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran are “soft and gullible”, according to Senator Tom Cotton.

“Assuming Iran complies with the nuclear deal in the short term, it’s the release of sanctions because that means it gives more money to those groups”, Farenthold said. With polls showing that public support for the Iran agreement is as low as 21 percent, Senate Republicans can quote Harry Reid’s arguments for invoking the “nuclear option” for confirming judges last session: surely having the Senate cast a vote on this treaty is way more important than confirming judges? US lawmakers had arranged Netanyahu’s appearance without White House input.

Those numbers are compared to November 2013, when 64 percent of respondents said they would support a negotiated agreement.

“We hope that the full implementation of JCPOA will ensure the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program under the NPT and will be a definitive step toward greater stability and security in the region“, the Vatican’s foreign minister, Archbishop Paul Gallagher said in a statement to the global Atomic Energy Association.


Senate Republican leaders brought up the vote again Tuesday even though there was no indication that any Democratic senators would change their minds. “Nobody has ever heard of that because there is, I believe, a private, secret agreement between the United States and Iran that that part of the deal is not enforceable”.

Senate to vote once more on Iran nuclear deal, but Dems to ensure it fails