
What they are saying about Donald Trump’s ISIS speech

When I point out that he has called for a complete ban on Muslim immigration and a database of all Muslim-Americans, the response from Good Christians has been, “Well, yeah”.


The most important audience for those policies, however, was not in Cairo or Damascus.

These entry bans were eventually lightened or eliminated during the last years of the Cold War, and the current Immigration and Nationality Act states that no one will be barred from the U.S. for “past, current, or expected beliefs, statements, or associations, if such beliefs, statements, or associations would be lawful within the United States”. “What we have – and think of this – and the decisions made by the Obama/Clinton group have been absolutely disastrous”, he said. “I have often said that General MacArthur and General Patton would be in a state of shock if they were alive today to see the way President Obama and Hillary Clinton try to recklessly announce their every move before it happens – like they did in Iraq – so that the enemy can prepare and adapt”, Trump stated. But the real estate mogul is banking on his hawkish stance striking a nerve with a scared public looking for strong leadership.

In addition to advocating a temporary suspension of immigration from “some of the most unsafe and volatile of the world that have a history of exporting terrorism”, Trump further called for a “restoration of common sense in security procedures. Viciously if necessary”, he pledged.

“Only this way, will we make America Great Again and Safe Again – for everyone”.

“Anyone who can not condemn the hatred, oppression and violence of radical Islam lacks the moral clarity to serve as our president”, Trump said, adding that Clinton lacks “the judgment, the temperament and the moral character to lead [the] nation”. He said Clinton doesn’t have the judgment, temperament or “mental and physical stamina” to fight ISIS.

The question now for Trump is whether his teleprompter-based assault, which lacked the spontaneity of his earlier stump speeches, can succeed after the serial setbacks of recent weeks.

Trump has praised Russian President Vladimir Putin and called last month on Moscow to find and release thousands of emails from Clinton. Polls also show Trump trailing in states such as Pennsylvania that are likely to be pivotal in the election. The GOP nominee may have been restrained, but he wasn’t backing down.

The letter claims that Trump’s candidacy will have a “catastrophic impact” on down-ballot candidates.

Here’s what they are saying about Trump’s speech.

Finally, Trump would reverse the Obama administration’s shameful purging of any references to radical Islam or jihad in law enforcement materials.

“It was a series of slogans without any policy behind it. I call it extreme, extreme vetting”, Trump said yesterday.

Many national security experts were also not impressed.

But what he called the organization’s newly adopted approach to fighting terrorism had led him to change his mind and he no longer considered North Atlantic Treaty Organisation “obsolete”, Trump said. “I’m looking now at territory”, he said in a July interview with NBC News, suggesting the change was more about language.

Disclosure: Donald Trump is the father-in-law of Jared Kushner, the publisher of Observer Media.

“Mr. Trump has been building his case slowly and surely through the campaign”, Brookover told CNN’s Brooke Baldwin.


He claimed the extremist group, which is the target of US-led air strikes and Special Forces operations in Iraq and Syria, was “fully operational” in 18 countries and had “aspiring branches in six more”.
